Kenza Hamidouche
Wireless Systems Architect
About me
I am a wireless systems architect at Apple. Before joining Apple, I was a post-doctoral researcher at ORFE, Princeton University working on multi-agent reinforcement learning with Prof. Warren Powell. Prior to that, I obtained a PhD in telecommunication from CentraleSupélec under the supervision of Prof. Mérouane Debbah and Prof. Walid Saad. During my PhD, I worked on the application of game theory and machine learning for resource allocation in 5G networks. I received Bachelor's and Master's degrees in computer science from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique and the University of Rennes 1, respectively. In 2015, I was a visiting scholar at Virginia Tech.
My research interests are in the broad areas of game theory, distributed learning, mechanism design, learning under uncertainty and reinforcement learning. Applications of particular interest include wireless communications, Internet of things, pricing, autonomous multi-agent systems, security and privacy.
News and Highlights
- I am co-organizing a special session on distributed learning for wireless communications at SPAWC 2020 in Atlanta, USA, May 2020 special session
- I am serving as a TPC member for the 1st workshop on edge machine learning for 5G mobile networks and beyond in Dublin, Ireland, May 2020 workshop
- I am serving as publicity co-chair for the IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference that will be held in Paris, France, September 2019 conference